giovedì 24 maggio 2012

TVO: Christianity with an African Flavour

Father Agbonkhianmeghe Orobator, provincial of the East African Jesuit province, argues that Africa is a continent of hope. When he was here, Jenny Cafiso, director of Canadian Jesuits International, shared one of Orobator’s books with me, Theology Brewed in an African Pot.
I was interested in the book because it deals with the themes discussed in the Easter Monday episode of The Agenda with Steve Paikin, “Christianity Goes Global.” That program, embedded below, looked at how Christianity’s demographic shift from the global north to the global south could change the faith (according to Pew Forum, in 1910, 82.2 per cent of Christians lived in the global north, but by 2010 that number fell to only 39.2 per cent). 
Christianity’s demographic shift to the global south is most obvious in Africa. As journalist and author John Allen, Jr. wrote in The Future Church, “During the twentieth century, the Catholic population of sub-Saharan Africa went from 1.9 million to more than 130 million — a staggering growth rate of 6,708 percent.” 
Pew reports that one in four Christians now live in Africa. Thus, how Africans practice Christianity will affect how the faith is practiced globally. As professor and author Philip Jenkins argued in The Next Christendom, Christianity’s character changes over time and place (Christianity as a sect of Judaism was different than the Christianity of Mediterranean gentiles in, say, the fourth century C.E.). In theology, this idea is called inculturation. Orobator describes this with an African proverb, “a person can see the sun from many different places.” 
How does African Christianity differ from Western Christianity? In Theology Brewed in an African Pot, Orobator picks out many differences, but I think the differing conceptions of God’s role in everyday life is most interesting. Orobator writes:
As hinted above, African spirituality is a very practical kind of spirituality: experience is more important than theory. Religion in Africa takes place as a daily and public affair. In some other parts of the world, such as North America, it is a matter of constitutional provision to confine religion to the domestic and private realm. This is hardly the case in Africa, where a very powerful sense of the divine permeates the lives of Africans. African spirituality recognizes the presence of God even in the most basic events and experiences of everyday life. For Africans, God is a God who sees all, is present in all, and acts in all circumstances of life. When we eat in Africa, we believe that we eat with God… As Africans, whatever we do, be it work, travel, or celebrations of marriage, success, human achievement, or even death, we always believe that God is part of it. God is not introduced into this ordinary or extraordinary experience as a stranger. God makes it possible; we encounter God in it. 
Can people of European and African descent reconcile these differing understandings of the appropriate place of faith in everyday life, but also in the public sphere? It will be interesting to see as Africans migrate to North America and Europe.


When my coffin is being taken out, you must never think I am missing this world.
Don't shed any tears, don't lament or feel sorry: I am not falling into a monster's abyss.
When you see my corpse being carried, don't cry for my leaving.
I am not leaving: I am arriving at eternal love.
When you leave me in the grave, don't say goodbye:
Remember a grave is only a curtain for the paradise behind.
You'll only see me descending into a grave: Now watch me rise.
How can there be an end when the sun sets or the moon goes down ?
It looks like the end, it looks like a sunset, but in reality it is dawn.
When the grave locks you up, that is when your soul is freed.
Have you ever seen a seed fallen to earth, not rise with a new life ?
Why should you doubt the rise of a seed named human ?
Have you ever seen a bucket lowered into a well coming back empty ?
Why lament for a soul when it can come back like Joseph from the well.
When for the last time you close your mouth, your words and soul
will belong to the world of no place no time.
posted by Mir Sayeed Sultan

mercoledì 23 maggio 2012

Ontario's Orthodoxes add their no to Bill 13

On May 14, 2012, the Pan-Orthodox Association of Greater Hamilton and the Eastern Orthodox Clergy made a presentation before the Sanding Committee hearing on Bill 13. Father Geoffrey Korzg, Dean of Ontario for the Orthodox Church in America, and General Secretary of the Pan-Orthodox Association of Greater Hamilton made the presentation. With him were Father William Makarenko, former Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada; and President of the Pan-Orthodox Association of Greater Hamilton; Father John Koulouras of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto and President of the Eastern Orthodox Clergy Fellowship of Toronto; and Father Alexei Vassiouchkine, of Christ the Saviour Russian Orthodox Cathedral, in Toronto. 

The Orthodox Clergy Associations represents Eastern Orthodox churches from around the Golden Horseshoe, with about one quarter million faithful, almost all of which live in urban ridings. Orthodox Christian communities across Ontario draw their members from a wide variety of cultural and linguistic groups, from Greece to Russia, North and Central Africa, the Middle East, Ukraine, Romania, and the Far East, as well as a wide variety of other cultures. 

Fr. Korzg makes a very convincing, logical and moral argument against the passing of Bill13. With permission, we shares the entire speech with our readers. We hope you do read the whole talk to get a better understanding of why so many different religious and non-religious groups, as well as families, individuals and politicians believe that Bill 13 is misguided and would make for an unjust law. Here's the speech:
I believe the Members of the Committee would agree that it is widely accepted that bullying is a genuine problem for students in Ontario schools. In every study one can find, a majority of students – often a vast majority – report being victims of some type of bullying.

Yet the official data on the targets of bullying and violence paints a very different picture than the one we see in the preamble to Bill 13.

The preamble of the bill takes pains to outline each and every type of sexual self-identification that can be identified as a reason for being bullied. It does not elaborate in such a way, however, about particular racial or cultural groups, nor about particular faith groups who may suffer targeted bullying. The emphasis of the preamble to Bill 13 certainly seems to reflect a preoccupation with bullying based on sexual self-identity.

In contrast to the proposed bill, Statistics Canada in their 2011 Report on Hate Crimes, indicates that bullying against religious groups is more than twice as common as bullying against self-identified gays and lesbians.

Statisitcs Canada further reported that the largest increase was in attacks directed against people of traditional faiths, which increased 55 per cent over two years.

Racially-motivated bullying was reported to be even more frequent than all other types of attacks. In fact, in 2009, Statistics Canada reports that three Ontario cities – Ottawa,
Toronto, and Kitchener-Waterloo – accounted for most of the increase in incidents of such attacks across Canada.

We must ask, why then does Bill 13 make repeated, special mention of LGBT anti-bullying initiatives, when such incidents represent only a fraction of the reality of bullying in Ontario schools?

In our communities, one can already see the impact in schools of initiatives and attitudes which have taken their cue from the introduction of Bill 13.

For example:
- The Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board anti-bullying resource documents denigrate the traditional Christian view of sexual morality as “homophobic”;

- In the same board, as part of the anti-bullying initiatives inspired by Bill 13, staff have already received talking points to counter parents who object based on their faith to LGBT-framed anti-bullying initiatives;

– The Toronto Catholic District School Board caved under pressure from its own staff to reject Roman Catholic teachings, and to adopt a number of anti-Catholic initiatives, in anticipation of the guidelines proposed under Bill 13.

Anyone who has walked through the halls of an Ontario secondary school over the last year has also seen the graphically pro-homosexualist posters being used in the name of combating bullying.

Yet it is just this kind of material – the kind that emphasizes again and again the sexualization of young people – which is our concern when it comes to the impact of Bill 13. We have already seen anti-bullying initiatives in local schools adopting strategies that have grown directly out of gay activism.

In schools from Niagara to Hamilton to Kitchener to Toronto, pink t-shirt days, “gay alliances”, and sticker and poster campaigns designating “gay friendly” classrooms are already underway, and Bill 13 enshrines them in law.

Where I live, we have even seen one local elementary school host a crossdressing day to oppose bullying against students who are confused about their gender. All these initiatives have the very clear side effect – perhaps intended - of putting a spotlight on those who do not  subscribe to their agenda, and to undermine the teachings from  home, church, mosque, synagogue or temple that might teach  something different about how we understand sexual identity.

By adding section 303.1 (d) – the establishment of Gay-Straight Alliance clubs (GSAs) – the proposed Bill 13 rejects the traditional approach to human sexuality, marriage, and modesty around sexual issues that is held by virtually every traditional culture around the world.

It suggests that the views of one culture - a tiny, urban, liberal, white, elite subgroup of North American culture - are somehow entitled to trump the views and faith of almost every other faith and culture that make up our province.

In these short buy critical sections, Bill 13 reflects a very
myopic, elitist, western-centered view of the world, and seems to be ideologically committed to imposing its own narrow doctrines on virtually every other cultural and religious group outside its own small circle.

Further, and perhaps most importantly, the establishment of
Gay-Straight Alliance clubs is an important part of the strategy to shift the centre of influence for struggling students away from the guidance of families and faith groups, to the counsel of same-age teen peers.

What does such a step say to the family with traditional faith and beliefs regarding sexual lifestyles? Let me be clear: GSAs are not designed to combat bullying. They are designed to provide emotional support and affirmation for a variety of sexual lifestyles that contradict the path of virtually every traditional faith, including Orthodox Christianity.

As clergy, we must regularly deal with spiritual and personal counseling. As parents, it is truly frightening to us to imagine that our tax-funded schools would provide a forum in which the teachings of traditional faiths are undermined, and faith-based efforts to counsel our young faithful are contradicted in a public school by staff or guest speakers.

Just a few months ago in a secondary school in Dundas, Ontario, a woman who identified herself as a lesbian rabbi was brought in by school staff as a featured speaker at a school-wide anti-bullying assembly. Her purpose was not simply to speak out against bullying.

in general, or even to speak against the bullying of self-identified gay students: her message was to attack the Old Testament – the scripture sacred to Christians and Jews – as an outdated, absurd document,  and to tell students not to accept the beliefs of anyone who would follow it.

Members of the committee: Bill 13 emboldens this kind of antireligious attack, and this is the reason that any anti-bullying bill anti-religious attack, and this is the reason that any anti-bullying bill passed by this Legislature must not include any emphasis on one group over another, lest these small references be used as a hammer against people of faith.

Our task as spiritual leaders is to guide our faithful into lives that fully reflect the millennia-old teachings of our faith. Why on earth would Members vote for a bill that would collide head-on with these efforts? Why would you undermine us?

As Orthodox Christians, most of our faithful come from places, which experienced anti-religious persecution, within living memory. I heard just the other day the story of a 94-year old Serbian Orthodox woman living in our community, who during the Second World War hid in a cave in a concentration camp in Yugoslavia, while fascist soldiers searched outside, waiting for their chance to force her to deny her Orthodox Christian faith –or die.

You see, her faith was a the problem for that government, just as it has been for Orthodox Christians living under the Ottoman Turks, or the Communists, or countless other regimes. As priests of the Orthodox Church, we beg Members: do not make our faith a target in Ontario’s public schools under Bill 13. Again, let me be clear: Orthodox Christians and others know how it feels to be targets. Any true and faithful Orthodox

Christian would be the person most willing to stand up to protect the physical and emotional safety of a self-identified gay student. This is simply Christian mercy - but it is not agreement. With the provisions of Bill 13 allowing our faith and the traditional faiths of other to be labeled “homophobic” and “bigoted”, Ontario schools would actually undermine the positive contribution to our school communities of people of traditional faith and values. How can this be a positive contribution to humanizing and civilizing our schools?

Most of the Orthodox Christian faithful in Ontario comes from immigrant families, many of whom do not speak English, and most of whom are unlikely to speak up about this issue. They are working families, who will not write letters, nor will they call their MPP or school trustee. 

But one thing they will do - almost invariably - is vote.
Please ask yourselves:

What will you say to families of traditional faith who discover their 14-year-old has been part of a GSA for months, without parental approval?

What will you say to constituents who are concerned that Bill 13 and related regulations offer no exclusion for families who do not want their kids involved in GSA clubs, or from related curriculum in class?

What will you say to a voter whose child has rejected their faith and community, because something they learned in a school club dramatically shifted their sense of faith and values – against their family?

What will you say to faith leaders who must provide a variety of contrary worldviews in their local high school Christian club – but who would never be otherwise invited to share their story in a public high school, because this bill labels them “homophobic”?

Should Bill 13 pass with the inclusion of these inequitable sections favoring LGBT activism, Members will also be faced with the question of how they will answer these concerns at the doors, when they are circulated through the ethnic and religious media in the months ahead.

Let me urge the Members: whatever bill you pass, please ensure it makes no distinction between the type of victim, or the type of club that would support them. You have a good model in Bill 14, and I pray you will take this opportunity to unite Ontario students, not to divide them.

It was Blessed John Paul II that called the Orthodox Christians, "the other half of the Church's lungs" and we are thankful and support their efforts in speaking out against Bill 13 so that together we can better breathe the truth.

mercoledì 16 maggio 2012

More Ontarians reject Bill 13

Markham Press Conference on Bill 13
The Alliance for Family Values, AVF, held a press conference yesterday in Markham to release the findings of a survey on Bill 13. There were 150 people in attendance. The data was collected from the residents of Markham and the Greater Toronto Area community with 2,800 respondents. The report based on the findings was submitted to the Ontario government's Standing Committee on Social Policy as part of the presentation during the May 7th hearing on Bill 13. If the McGuinty government really wants to know what ordinary citizens think of Bill 13, he and his ministers should read and most of all act on this AVF report.

The results of the survey showed an overwhelming majority of respondents, 90%, do not support Bill 13. Further, the findings concluded the following:
1. Schools should not be educating four year-old children about sexual knowledge;
2. Schools should not be asking Grade 3 children to act out their own pride parade as a strategy to fight bullying;
3. Schools should not establish gay-straight alliances;
4. MPPs should consult with their constituents about the contents of Bill 13;
5. Bill 13 should be put to a referendum.

This is welcome news for all those opposing the radical changes in education through Bill 13. At the press conference, copies of the report were handed to those present and to reporters who were there covering the event for the media. Regrettably, as usual the mainstream media were absent. The major media players on this issue, with the exception of Sun TV, have been irresponsible in their coverage of both, the Equity and Inclusive Education policy and currently with Bill 13, by assuming that this legislation needs to pass and so public discussion and information are not necessary. This is hardly equitable and inclusive journalism.

The Alliance for Family Values state in the report that they support "the principle of anti-bullying. The AVF respects all people, and stands by the principle that all are equal and should be treated as such and therefore should not be bullied. With such a common ideal, parents, community organizations, non-religious groups and religious, have gathered together to form the AVF to help to have an effect on legislation that would treat all citizens as equal and protect everyone form being bullied." Yes, let's teach our children to respect and care for everyone and not single out any group because of numerous and fluid socially constructed sexual orientations. A good law should neither indoctrinate nor should it psychologically and morally abuse children.

Peter Chan, from the Chinese Canadian Political Action Committee of Ontario, introduced the significance of the press conference and welcomed everyone. There were a number of invited speakers from various organizations to talk about their concerns regarding Bill 13. These were the listed speakers on the agenda: David Kong, Chinese Catholic Task Force, Samuel Chan, Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, Rev. Jimmy Li, Toronto Chinese Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship, Kenny Tsui, Air Cadets, Charles McVety, Institute for Canadian Values, Ron Banerjee, Canadian Hindu Advocacy Group, Jim Kwan, Voice of Markham, Rev. Minho Song, Korean Churches Association, Allan Tam, School Trustee, Rev. Dominic Tse, Alliance for Family Values, Sam Hundal and Lyn Jackson. Each speaker made different and convincing arguments on why Bill 13 should not become Ontario law. But one thing they all strongly agreed with: the government is not listening to the will people and that Bill 13 as proposed is misguided legislation.

In conclusion, the AVF recommendations challenge the government to settle this issue with a referendum. If the McGuinty government truly believes in democracy, then they should listen to this advice and to the majority of the people of Ontario. We applaud and support the efforts of AVF and all those who spoke so eloquently in defence of religious freedom and parental rights at this press conference. Nobody can play the dangerous game of the politics of correctness with the lives of children and get away with it for too long.

mercoledì 2 maggio 2012

Massimo Nosetti at the ORGANIX 12 Festival




Wednesday, May 9, 2012 - 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
St. Paul’s Anglican Church - 227 Bloor Street East, just west of Jarvis Street
For more information, tickets and festival passes, please visit
or phone Gordon Mansell at 416-769-3893, toll-free: 1-877-769-5224

The concert will include an orchestra under the baton of Maestro Philip Sarabura. Virtuoso Trumpeter, Michael Barth will also be featured.
The Casavant Frères pipe organ at St. Paul’s is a spectacular four-manual instrument with an
amazing depth of tonal colour and musical resources from 7,461 pipes. 

Click here for more information.

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