lunedì 27 giugno 2011

Conto alla rovescia a Teopoli: Ricominciano le colonie

Gravenhurst, Ontario – Appena conclusosi a Teopoli il ritiro spirituale dedicato ai giovani adulti del Newman Centre (Centro Cattolico studentesco dell’Università di Toronto), Società Unita si appresta ad aprire i battenti della Città di Dio alle colonie estive per bambini.
Il prossimo 5 luglio, infatti, avrà luogo la 38ma stagione della Teopoli Summer Experience, che accoglie bambini dai 6 ai 16 anni nell’incantevole cornice di Muskoka, in 4 tornate da dodici giorni ciascuna. 
Nota presso la comunità italiana per la croce eretta da Padre Claudio Piccinini C.P., su ispirazione di Suor Carmelina della Croce, Teopoli non è solo meta di pellegrinaggi e ritiri spirituali per adulti, ma anche un luogo di ricreazione e di formazione spirituale per ragazzi.
Accanto ad attività ricreative quali, canottaggio, nuoto, escursioni, falò notturni, ed altri sport, l’approfondimento della teologia, la musica, l’arte, il teatro, e i giochi di gruppo, fanno di questa colonia un’esperienza unica nel suo genere.
Infatti, la Teopoli Summer Experience si distingue da un generico campo estivo per il fatto che non è solo un luogo di svago e divertimento ma soprattutto luogo di raccoglimento, in cui particolare importanza viene riconosciuta ai precetti cattolici e al valore della famiglia.
Con la celebrazione giornaliera della Santa Messa e la recita del Santo Rosario, a sancire l’apertura e la chiusura della giornata tipica, i giovani fanno propri gli strumenti e le abitudini dello stile di vita cristiano.
Tale modello trova la sua più alta espressione nelle figure dei volontari e benefattori italiani, il cui contributo è vitale alla realizzazione e al proseguimento di questo progetto. Il servizio mensa, lavanderia, e manutenzione del centro sono completamente sotto la loro tutela.

L’ultima delle quattro tornate di quest’estate terminerà il 27 agosto.

Per maggiori informazioni contattare:
Luca Mirenzi - Youth Minister - Società Unita (The United Society)

venerdì 24 giugno 2011

June 26 th: International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

“At a time when the legitimate aspirations of people in many regions of the world for greater
freedom, dignity and a better life are too often met with violence and repression, I urge States to
respect the fundamental rights of all people. Torture and other forms of cruel, degrading and
inhuman treatment and punishment, wherever they occur and whatever the circumstances, can
never be justified.”
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Message for the International Day in
Support of Victims of Torture 2011
Torture seeks to annihilate the victim’s personality and denies the inherent
dignity of the human being. The United Nations has condemned torture from the
outset as one of the vilest acts perpetrated by human beings on their fellow
human beings.
Torture is a crime under international law. According to all relevant instruments, it
is absolutely prohibited and cannot be justified under any circumstances. This
prohibition forms part of customary international law, which means that it is
binding on every member of the international community, regardless of whether a
State has ratified international treaties in which torture is expressly prohibited.
The systematic or widespread practice of torture constitutes a crime against
On 12 December 1997, by resolution 52/149, the UN General Assembly
proclaimed 26 June the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of
Torture, with a view to the total eradication of torture and the effective functioning
of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment, (resolution 39/46), annex, which entered into force on
26 June 1987.
Coutecey to United Nations

lunedì 20 giugno 2011


La Giornata mondiale del Rifugiato, che si celebra il 20 giugno, è un appuntamento a cui si guarda con sempre maggiore interesse, sia per la rilevanza che ha assunto nel tempo questo fenomeno, sia per la crescente attenzione dell’opinione pubblica e dei media.
Quest’anno poi diventa più che mai occasione per fare il punto su numerose e diversificate questioni da parte di quanti si occupano attivamente dei richiedenti protezione internazionale.
Le vicende di questi primi sei mesi del 2011 ci hanno infatti particolarmente sollecitato e richiamato alla necessità di un ulteriore sforzo per garantire tutela e accoglienza a coloro che cercano rifugio da guerre e persecuzioni.

Costretti a partire, nel pericolo, senza speranza, senza riparo,  senza nazionalita', senza un posto sicuro, in baracche o in tendopoli, violentati dalle guerre e dalle armi, lasciati dietro le sbarre, senza istruzione e senza medicine.

Caino, che ne e' stato di tuo fratello?

martedì 14 giugno 2011

June 12th: SOGNANDO LUI Concert.Big success of public and performances!

Sunday June 12, UCEMI Toronto presented a wonderful concert in honour of Blessed John Paul II’s beatification. There were well over five hundred people who attended this special musical tribute at St. Peter’s Church in Woodbridge.

Fr. Thomas Rosica from Salt and Television, hosted the event, and shared some of his private experiences with John Paul II during World Youth Day In Toronto. One of them was the fact that when John Paul II came to Toronto, special preparations had been made for him to embark and disembark from the plane, but he insisted on walking every step on his own.

The special guest, for the occasion, was Michiko Hayashi who came from Italy and is an opera singer with La Fenice Theatre in Venice. She sang selections from her latest CD called. “Sognando Lui”, (Dreaming of him). Giovannina Menin wrote the music and the lyrics as a tribute to John Paul II. In her words, John Paul II was a great Pope and “a man who knew how to share the light of his faith to warm the spirits of people.”

The afternoon began with George Marcello from Step by Step, the Organ Transplant Association. He entered the church with a torch blessed by John Paul II to bring an awareness of the need for organ and tissues donation.

In his introductory remarks, Giovanni Riccitelli, President of UCEMI Toronto, welcomed everyone to the concert to celebrate the beatification of John Paul II, a man of profound faith who inspired millions of people. He also noted that the event was part of  Italian Heritage Month, the first such celebration in Ontario.

The concert began with touching performances from soprano Michiko Hayashi. She sang, “Sognando Lui”, “Solo Gocce” and “Parlando Con Te” (Dreaming of Him, Only Drops and Talking to You). There were two touching songs by two young singers. Alesandra Trimmeliti who sang, “Shout to the Lord” and Michael Nasato  who sang , “Agnus Dei”.  There were a number of selections sung by the Coro San Marco directed by Daniele Colla.   Also, Bruno Trimmeliti, who is a member of the Coro San Marco joined Alesandra as they sang a stirring father-daughter duet of  “The Lord’s prayer.”

Giampietro Posocco accompanied by the choir and soprano Hayashi played the trumpet to his own composition of Ave Maria”. The pianist for the event was Deyi Ye who was born in Shanghai, China. The final song was “Va Pensiero” by Giuseppe Verdi from the opera Nabucco.  This is a well-known composition among Italians and is derived from Psalm 137.  Most Italians consider it  their second national anthem. In English, it is known as the Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves.

From the concluding ovation, it was obvious to everyone there that the event was a total success. It was the perfect way to remember and celebrate the Great and Blessed John Paul II. Musically, even if only for a few moments, we know that those present were truly able to soar to heavenly heights.
Also: link to an article in Italian at ITALIANI.CA

June 9th: UCEMI invited to the Interfaith Evening in Mississauga